We’re often involved in conferences and live events, supplying a live video mix. In set-ups like this we’ll have individual cameras, each with an operator feeding pictures to a vision mixer back stage or in an OB truck. The images are cut live and sent to the screens and usually recorded too. This type of live coverage is used at music festivals, concerts, awards nights and live webcast events.
Three cameras are sufficient to cover a conference but we might use five, six or more at music events when we’re cutting the action on stage and the camera mix itself becomes part of the show. Events like this needs a large team with multiple camera crew, vision director as well as a vision engineer and sound recordist. These events can be very demanding, the very best cameramen and a good director are essential. If the mix is going out to live screens there isn’t room for mistakes. It’s very exciting!
See some examples of our work click on Vimeo.